CUSD - Where’s the Money

I attended two football games on the weekend of Oct. 21-22. One, Oct. 21, at Capistrano Valley High School, and one on Oct. 22 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. At the second game, I had the privilege of sitting in the booth of the athletic director, Mike Hamrick. I asked Mike what it cost UNLV to put in their new artificial turf field and when they did it.  He said the field was going on its third season and it cost close to $600,000. I mentioned this only because Capistrano Valley High School this year -- this summer -- installed a new artificial turf field, just like UNLV's. The school has also laid the foundation for an all-weather track around the field. In addition, inside the Capo stadium, the grounds had been very nicely landscaped with roses, birds of paradise, ground cover and eight to 10 palm trees -- very expensive for their size. The landscaping looks much better than most of Mission Viejo city’s slopes, but that’s another issue. This was all new, and I would imagine the bill was more than $600,000. I am told that San Clemente High School was done in the same way at their "football factory.”

Well, here is the rest of the story.

I have received a document, which I am including, that spells out where the Capistrano Unified School District has allocated the $65 million in bond funding from Measure A that was passed several years ago. This was a $65 MILLION bond to provide capital for matching grants from the state for new schools and to upgrade the current schools. Guess how much CUSD has allocated for Newhart School -- $720.00.  (See the accompanying document.) Yes, that’s right, a piddling $720.00 from the Measure A vote. Folks, I spend that much a year on fly fishing gear. One would think a middle school, which is more than 25 years old, is in need of some real maintenance and deserves more than $720.

As I have said before, a gym at Newhart has not been and is not a priority for CUSD. Why should the City of Mission Viejo take reserves to build something that CUSD doesn’t consider a priority? I would highly suggest that the folks banging on the door for Newhart go straight to the CUSD board and bang on them instead. You better do it fast -- before they are all recalled.  Also, look hard where the money is being spent -- not much in Mission Viejo, but I guess that’s what happens when no CUSD board members live in Mission Viejo.

Joe Holtzman
Mission Viejo

For the supporting document, Click here.

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