CUSD Recall Update

By Kevin Murphy, recall organizer

(Edited text from speech upon turning in petition signatures to the Registrar of Voters)

To place the Capistrano Unified School District Recall on the ballot, South Orange County residents faced the daunting task of gathering approximately 145,000 signatures. Thankfully, when presented with the disturbing pictures and hard facts, thousands of people lined up to sign the Recall petitions.

 All of the required signatures have now been obtained! Thanks to the incredible hard work, dedication and total commitment shown by hundreds of parents and taxpayers from all across South Orange County, the people are one step closer to removing a corrupt School Board and administration, and one step closer to restoring honesty, integrity and accountability into our public school system. Like never before, parents, taxpayers and teachers in South Orange County have come to realize just how serious the problems are at CUSD.

By the thousands, voters are embracing the core message of the recall campaign -- the CUSD Trustees have squandered millions of taxpayer dollars and broken the public trust, and by so doing they have relegated the children into overcrowded and substandard conditions.

The time for special interest politics and backroom deals is over – now is the time for fair, honest and open local government. Please help us fight back -- for the taxpayers, for our schools and for our kids' future!

The time is now! Please support the CUSD Recall campaign.