Swatting flies with confetti

Item 27 on the Jan. 3 Mission Viejo council agenda was the appointment of the Ad Hoc Committee of the City Council regarding the City's General Plan Housing Element and Affordable Housing Goals. The action was to disband the Planning and Transportation Commission's Housing Element and Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee.

The item passed 3-2 with the majority of Kelly, MacLean and Ury for and Reavis and Ledesma against. Why would our council do the job better than their own appointees on the Planning Commission? A council member argued that housing issues and transportation issues were not resolved quickly enough, and that certain council members want to take the bull by the horns and get it done faster.

The only problem is that the majority chose to attempt to swat flies by throwing confetti. The job wasn't done fast enough because proper goals were not communicated to staff members. The problem is not a structural one on the commission or the council. The problem is a lack of communication.

James Edward Woodin
Mission Viejo