Talkin' trash

Previously, I wrote about a lunch meeting I attempted to orchestrate with Councilwomen "Trish" Kelley and Gail Reavis when the Mission Hospital plan of expansion was the topic. There was more to it than that.

The hospital wanted to expand, mostly in the form of support facilities that would serve our seniors on a daily basis. Some of the services require seniors’ frequent commutes to the hospital. Kelley, as part of her 2002 campaign platform, claimed she wanted to develop a senior transportation plan. One of our seniors’ most critical needs is transportation to and from medical facilities. The hospital was faced with very expensive parking issues and may have very willingly participated in a curbside bus service for our seniors – their clients – on a daily basis to mitigate the need for traffic and parking structure expenses.

My objective was to get both councilwomen to meet and discuss of the potential to work out an arrangement whereby the city’s seniors would have transportation without taxpayer subsidies. The seniors could get rides to vital medical services on a daily basis, and the hospital would save money while attracting and serving clients. It’s a worthy discussion regardless of who is sitting across the table from whom over lunch.

Trish Kelley jettisoned the concept by refusing to attend a joint discussion then or at any time. Her reason was clear to me: pure and simple jealousy. She couldn’t stand being in the same room with Reavis, who was willing to put personal differences aside for the city’s benefit. Kelley could not make this simple gesture – not even to help our seniors in need of hospital services and benefit the hospital itself. Kelley’s refusal was a selfish and vindictive reaction that should not be brushed off as “politics.” An opportunity was lost, and Kelley still has not provided a feasible plan for senior transportation. After more than three years in office, Kelley is now broadcasting her desire for senior transportation after announcing she’s running for reelection. That's plain trash talk.

I personally like the open debate of viewpoints regarding Mission Viejo’s council members, as discussion can lead to solutions. "Trish" Kelley attempts to conduct her negative talk and actions behind closed doors and otherwise out of public view. I have had the experience trying to conduct city business with her. Her exterior may appear demure, but what’s inside is a whole other matter.

Bo Klein
Mission Viejo