Tierra Nativa is about Nature

Tierra Nativa is about nature
Letter to the editor

Tierra Nativa is important to Mission Viejo because of the community involvement and youth groups that plant and develop our landscapes and beautify our city. This effort results in reduced city costs and saves thousands of hours of labor. Our children take pride in benefiting the city of Mission Viejo.

The city has constructed 10 pillars approximately seven feet high on the Oso Viejo Trail walk below the Norman Murray Center. These pillars are to become mosaic art pieces alongside the walkway. There is a disconnect between the purpose of the walk and its beautiful setting and the artwork. People take the walk to observe nature and not artwork. It is sad to see nature’s beauties obstructed in this manner. This does not even address the cost to ourtaxpayers, and private donors if applicable, for such extravagances.

Wouldn’t it be better to extend the trail, improve the plants and shrubberies and trees than to build monuments?

James Edward Woodin
Mission Viejo