Glorification of Mediocrity

Glorification of mediocrity
Letter to the editor

I'm off to do some heavy-duty spring and birthday-present shopping. First, I'll head down La Paz to Heather Ridge to pick up prescriptions, developed pictures and other popularly priced basics, plus the extra-special surprise bargains at Costco. Next door, I'll stop at Kohl's to get clothes my grandkids love, plus some special housewares – they always have great sales and a great variety of well-priced items.

I'll then go around the block to the Sports Chalet, Tilly's, Hallmark Cards, Mervyn's and Von's. Next, I'll go back down to La Paz to run into Home Depot and then stop in at Henry's and finish off at the biggest and most complete Target, right there with the best-priced, best-variety grocery store, Stater Brothers.

Wow! Here's an example where some planners have certainly been doing great thinking about responsible economic land-use planning!

Have you been out to the incredible Rancho Santa Margarita civic center and shopping complex? It has wonderful parking and great access to the library, City Hall and community center and a wonderful shopping center with fabulous restaurants and a great variety of shops, all without moving your car!

And what do I get in Mission Viejo? More high-density, “low-income” housing! And more stupid spot-zoning! What a disgraceful bunch of short-sighted, bought-off staff, elected and appointed officials! "Where, oh where has our California dream gone? Oh where, oh where can it be?" The Mission Viejo City Council and staff are wallowing in the glorification of mediocrity!

Too bad I have to spend my money out of the city. As I drive along the I-5, I'll look up to the west and see the enormous, elegant homes on the large lots of Nellie Gale and Bear Brand Ranch of Laguna Hills and Laguna Niguel. Obviously, the homeowners have purchasing power, hopefully, to spend in their community. I glance east, and the hills are covered with the high-density
apartments of Mission Viejo – not too classy looking. The sellout Mission Viejo control freaks are preoccupied with the cram it in, jam it in mentality, which has been usurped by this incestual power clique! BEWARE! What stupid, degrading land misuse planning tricks do they have up their sleeves to dump on us next?

Dorothy Wedel
Mission Viejo