Infrastructure Renewal is a Critical Need

Infrastructure renewal is a critical need
Letter to the editor

Mission Viejo, like all other cities, is getting older. With age, the infrastructure – slopes, slopes, streets, curbing – and shopping centers, etc., become worn, dated and in need of renewal. Investment in infrastructure is one of the criticalneeds of our city.

Neglect of this critical item creates blight. Blight creates crime, higher taxes for repairs and loss of revenue to newer and fresher locales in the form of lost business income to our city.

One of our citizens with wise insight to the needs of Mission Viejo suggested that perhaps an infrastructure renewal set-aside could be made regularly by our city. This was an excellent suggestion for the simple reason it addresses our critical needs in Mission Viejo and prepares our city for the future. It certainly prevents a future fire drill and prepares the city for such setbacks as slope failure or other maintenance problems.

Infrastructure renewal is ongoing and is a constant in our city. To deny it exists while funding other projects first or to fail to budget for it only creates a problem later.

James Edward Woodin
Mission Viejo