Residents Oppose More Cell Towers

Residents Oppose More Cell Towers
Letter to the editor

The Mission Viejo Planning and Transportation Commission on May 22 evaluated Permit PDP 2005-153 for Cingular and T Mobile wireless to establish a cell tower near O’Neill School and Park in Mission Viejo. A good turnout of local residents opposed the project, and the commissioners denied the application. It is satisfying to see the city respond in a positive way to the concerns of residents.

Cell towers are an intrusion into the skyline and present visual blight in our city. Unless there is an overriding consideration, Mission Viejo has enough cell towers, combined with those in other cities, to meet needs into the foreseeable future. Such towers should be in areas away from housing and definitely not near schools.

Whatever monetary consideration the city receives is small compared to the visual blight and nuisance imposed on nearby residents. To provide a couple of companies access is not the primary consideration. The consideration is the welfare of our residents.

James Edward Woodin
Mission Viejo