Crooked Priority?

Crooked Priority?
Letter to the editor

Does Mission Viejo have its priorities straight? Why would a deck for the Sierra Recreation Center be considered before the promised deck (of several years) for the Nadadores? Don't our city fathers understand that one of Mission Viejo’s stellar assets is having the home of the Nadadores in our midst? Even my friends from out of state know and respect the achievements of the Nadadores.

Since the Sierra Recreation Center was to be refurbished on a budget of $1 million, does it seem fair that the cost is more than $2,100,000 already and its deck request requiring more money is on the preferred list? With Ms. Kelley's insistence, the contractor selected for the recreation center charged more than three times what any other recreation center contractor in Southern California charged, according to Councilman John Paul Ledesma's figures. Doesn't "enough is enough" apply here?

Completion of the Nadadores’ deck has financial benefits to the city as well, so I've been formed. There will be a new electrical system saving us money, AND the Nadores will pay for their own utilities!!!! Now, which deck do our citizens believe should have priority? Who is shuffling the phony deck? You can always go to the Trishatoria to get the baloney.

Beverly Cruse
Mission Viejo