Watching the Market in Mission Viejo

Watching the Market in Mission Viejo
Letter to the editor

Some reports about home sales this summer have indicated the market is changing. One said prices are 6 percent higher and sales are down 29 percent from a year ago. By comparison, things have slowed down. Last summer, buyers had to act quickly or miss out because homes were selling so fast.

If homeowners have checked the comps lately on their homes, they should be ecstatic. People of average means are living in homes that cost nearly a million dollars. On the other hand, I know of sellers who sold last year because they thought the market had topped out. They’re now renting until they can afford to get back in.

On the retail side, shoppers are happy to see entire shelves and departments marked down in a store. I have mixed emotions about this happening in Robinsons-May as the store is going to close. Going to The Shops in Mission Viejo is always fun, but it will take awhile to get used to the idea of Macy’s moving into the Robinsons-May space.

Nadine Harder
Mission Viejo