Why the Nov. 7 Election is So Important

Why the Nov. 7 Election is So Important
Letter to the editor

I have always trusted the judgment of our voters on all issues. The voters have the ability to see through all of the flak presented during campaigns and to seize upon the relevant issues.

Some of the critical issues for us in this election are: 1) high-density housing, 2) construction contract budgets, 3) traffic control, 4) changes to the city healthcare and retirement plans, 5) strong budgetary monitoring for the city, 6) infrastructure improvements.

All of these issues are difficult and require continuous efforts by the council to be successful. Some defy simple solutions so that, over time, solutions come with much effort and ongoing commitment. It is important that these problems are attacked and that solutions are rendered. The voters will decide and, with their decisions, the future of our city will rest. I trust the voters to make the right decisions.

James Edward Woodin
Mission Viejo