Lobbyist is Directing Hit Pieces

Lobbyist is Directing Hit Pieces
Letter to the editor

Voters need to watch for letters in the paper and hit pieces directed by a lobbyist-funded Political Action Committee. Last week, mailboxes in Mission Viejo were stuffed with a letter signed by a local couple. The claims in the PAC-funded letter were, at best, misleading.

How long will it be before the lobbyist sends another mailer? We have three excellent candidates running for city council -- Jim Woodin, Michael Ferrall and Councilman John Paul Ledesma -- who want to represent the residents and not outsiders. These good citizens are taking the risk of being maligned with mailers that wrongfully portray them.

Mission Viejo residents should be on the lookout for anything "paid for by the South County Leadership PAC." I think the lobbyist in back of it would say or do anything to take votes away from those who would hold the line against special interest and buying of council votes.

Elizabeth Mimm
Mission Viejo