Change the Tone at City Hall

Change the tone at city hall
Letter to the editor

I've been listening carefully to the candidates who are running for city council. Some are advocating change and others are advocating preservation of the Master Plan and the character of neighborhoods.

I believe what voters want is a change in the tone at city hall, but not a series of changes that would turn the city upside down. Before our residents cast their votes, they should consider whether some candidates wanting change are actually offering improvement.

Many people worked hard in the 2002 city election to bring about positive change, but our dreams of harmony haven't come true. In this election, I'm paying attention to the tone as well as the message of council candidates. One group of candidates is hammering others day after day – it’s a strong warning of how they would rule. Our council would benefit tremendously from responsible adult leadership rather than candidates who are constantly on the attack and calling it change.

Dee Strubb
Misson Viejo