Mission Viejo Buzz - 12/23/06 - text only

The Buzz column, Dec. 21

Dr. Ron Lackey will have his day in court. Lackey, an outspoken critic of the Capo school district, filed a lawsuit regarding the trustees' June 30, 2005, closed-session meeting to discuss non-agendized items. Lackey alleges the trustees violated the Brown Act when they tried to limit his participation at school board meetings. Or. Co. Superior Court Judge Michael Brenner set the trial to begin June 4, 2007. David Smollar, a former CUSD employee, has already been deposed. Smollar six months ago provided information to the Orange County Register, including the revelation of CUSD's "enemies list" of parents who attempted to recall all seven trustees in 2005.


Updates from CUSD confirm San Juan Hills High School (the school being built next to a dump) is on schedule to open in San Juan Capistrano in August 2007. While Mission Viejo parents might not be thrilled to have their sons and daughters attending Capo High, its problems seem minor when compared with issues surrounding SJHHS. Some observers continue to predict the school will never open because of environmental and health issues that rival Los Angeles USD’s Belmont Learning Center. According to a San Juan Capistrano resident, the Capo district skirted questions about methane belching from the dump by claiming it wouldn’t affect the school next door. The assurance given in an environmental report: the wind doesn’t blow in San Juan Capistrano, so any gas from the dump stays put.


Last week’s blog indicated Councilman Frank Ury had been bypassed for his turn as mayor, with Councilwoman Gail Reavis getting the title for 2007. A blog reader’s asked: “When the other council members decided to bypass Frank Ury, wouldn’t it have been John Paul Ledesma’s turn to serve as mayor in 2007? Ledesma was mayor in 2003, and the council instead chose Gail Reavis, who was mayor in 2004.” The blog learned that Ledesma probably preferred not to be mayor this time around. Personal matters might have top priority, as Ledesma got married in July and spent the next four months campaigning for his reelection. Ledesma was selected by his fellow council members to serve as vice mayor for 2007.


The Orange County Register recently reported behind-the-scenes discussions among Republicans regarding the opening for a county supervisor. When Supervisor Lou Correa won his Nov. 7 race to become a California State Senator, numerous Republican candidates began emerging to fill the county post. According to a Register columnist, GOP County Chair Scott Baugh is trying to improve the Republican Party’s odds of winning by narrowing the field of Republican candidates. If Baugh gets it about reducing the number of Republican candidates, why did he allegedly bring Justin McCusker into Mission Viejo’s city council race when nine other Republicans were running?