Commission Delays Approval

Commission Delays Approval
Letter to the editor

When I attended the Community Services Commission Dec. 12 meeting, it came as a surprise to see a review of committee applications on the agenda. Three Mission Viejo residents had volunteered to join the city’s character committee. It was a further surprise to learn the commissioners believe they have the authority to reject a resident’s voluntary service. It would seem anyone who is interested in volunteering should be given a chance.

Two of the applications reviewed Dec. 12 were submitted by young people who didn’t give much information about themselves. The third application came from a Mission Viejo adult who adequately filled out the form. However, someone from the audience spoke in opposition, saying the applicant had filed lawsuits against a homeowner’s association.

While attacks from the public microphone are not unusual, I was disappointed Commissioner Ron Ruef commented from the dais. The applicant wasn’t there to defend herself, and no one explained how filing a lawsuit disqualifies someone from volunteering. To the credit of the city staff, a director made comments displaying open-mindedness toward volunteers. One of the young people was approved as a committee member on Dec. 12, and the other two applications will be reviewed again. I believe they should all be approved at the first opportunity.

Connie Lee
Mission Viejo