Mission Viejo Buzz - 04/14/07

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City Meeting Calendar

Urgent Warning. Item #26 on the April 16, 2007 City Council meeting would remove the ability of any citizen present at a city council meeting to “pull for discussion” items on the Consent Calendar. This goes back to the bad old days of Withrow/Butterfield/Craycraft where citizen rights were regularly trampled. Please urge your city council members to vote “NO” on this item.

Find out about the Mission Viejo Right to Vote Initiative here.

Founders' Quote Daily

"This letter will, to you, be as one from the dead. The writer will be in the grave before you can weigh its counsels. Your affectionate and excellent father has requested that I would address to you something which might possibly have a favorable influence on the course of life you have to run; and I too, as a namesake, feel an interest in that course.

Few words will be necessary, with good dispositions on your part.
 Adore God. Reverence and cherish your parents. Love your neighbor as yourself, and your country more than yourself. Be just. Be true. Murmur not at the ways of Providence. So shall the life into which you have entered be the portal to one of eternal and ineffable bliss. And if to the dead it is permitted to care for the things of this world, every action of your life will be under my regard. Farewell."

-- Thomas Jefferson (letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith, 21 February 1825)

Reference: Our Sacred Honor, Bennett, 413.

and select Founders Quote Database.

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