Now I Get It

Now I Get It
Letter to the editor

On July 2 three members of the Mission Viejo City Council voted to spend $143,000 on a new computer-electronic signboard for the Communications Board on the corner of Marguerite and La Paz. This type of signage was once prohibited in Mission Viejo as unaesthetic. But putting that aside, I wondered why the three City Council members decided to focus on only one side of the intersection, neglecting the Service Clubs Board across the way. No accounting for taste and poor governance, I thought.

But then I thought of another way to account for this “oversight.” Having completed only half the job at the intersection, maybe the City Council members are anticipating that members of the community will demand that the Service Clubs Board be redesigned to coordinate with the Communications Board. They will take this to mean that Mission Viejo really must have wanted the electronic board despite all the negative input against it at the City Council meetings and despite the fact that the most effective means of 21st century, local communication takes place via city newspapers and community email. (Note San Clemente’s approach.)

Paula Steinhauer
Mission Viejo