Testimony is Revealing

Testimony is Revealing
Letter to the editor

When serving on a jury, I’ve noticed some of the accused wouldn’t answer any question unless it benefited their defense. I have the same observation when reading the grand jury testimony of old-guard Capo school district trustees and top administrators. Some of them say they barely remember anything except following the advice of CUSD lawyers or other district consultants. They claim ignorance or amnesia in trying to distance themselves from their own decisions.

When those being investigated have no defense except ignorance of the law, are they innocent? Given the choice between culpability and ignorance, some of them seem eager to look completely uninformed.

With the grand jury transcripts available online, more CUSD residents are able to review the documents. Four old-guard trustees will be up for reelection in 2008, and voters can read the testimony to determine whether or not these four are fit to serve.

Connie Lee
Mission Viejo