CUSD Audit is Complete

CUSD Audit is Complete

The Mission Viejo council-directed audit of the three tax funds we pay to Capistrano Unified School District is complete. The results confirm Mission Viejo taxpayers are the CASH COW of CUSD. Based on a review of the past four years, Mission Viejo residents paid 30 percent in taxes to CUSD and received only 10 percent back into our schools.

Millions of dollars paid by our taxpayers were diverted to schools in other cities and the administration building in San Juan Capistrano. We need to demand CUSD immediately use the balance to modernize our Mission Viejo CUSD schools, most of which are more than 25 years old. 

More information will follow with suggestion of what CUSD constituents can do to resolve ongoing problems.  

For now, please save the date: Monday, November 5, 7:00 p.m., to attend the CUSD board meeting.