Reader Response

Reader Response

Synchronize the traffic signals
How difficult can it be?

We were looking forward to the new Target on Jeronimo and Los Alisos because it's so close to our home. However, after just one visit, I wish it would go away. For one thing, the prices are higher than at other Target stores. But I could live with that, considering the convenience. What really torques me off is that the store has caused yet another stupid un-synchronized stoplight to Mission Viejo's already failing traffic scheme. The signal is less than 200 yards from the Madero intersection, and the two lights appear to run opposite each other. 

Would it be so stinking hard to synchronize the two lights so drivers wouldn't have to stop at both of them? Well, it must be, as evidenced by incompetent traffic management already prevalent in this once-fine city.

Mitch Kronowit


Reader connects the dots

Blog question: How is it that a pro-developer P.R. guy [Roger Faubel] can't seem to make the connection between endless housing projects and the "imminent" water shortage, threats of water rationing, need to raise rates and the necessity of building a reservoir?

OF COURSE, Faubel gets the connection, and he'll get the very lucrative contract to sell us all on how great it will be to have our "own" reservoir.

Blog question: If the real reason for calling the [CUSD board] meeting is to discuss the DA's report, why would the district not say so? It seems a little late to risk another violation of the Brown Act - a precise repetition of the DA's findings - just to save face.

SINCE they have been getting away with Brown Act violations for years, why stop now? The DA seems to be all bark and no bite.

Lisa De Paul- Snyder
Mission Viejo


All bark and no park

Two blog readers commented about the dog park, asking about the excessive projected cost of $1 million when the city already owns the property. The blog has previously published editorials, saying costs have been added and padded to evoke negative reaction from residents who otherwise wouldn’t object to a dog park.