Same Monkeys, Different Trees

Same Monkeys, Different Trees
Reader response

Thanks for all the support in bringing to light all the issues involved with Capistrano High School. I took your advice last week and sent a respectful email regarding the condition of Capistrano High School. I illustrated the point by sharing with the board members and the superintendent my dismay at having the Wrestling Booster Club spend time (more than 200 hours) and booster club dollars to upgrade a portable, which is well past its prime, for more than 80 wrestlers to practice in while the district considers spending upwards of $12 million on a school that in underutilized at this time and probably will be for the next three to five years.

As of midnight on Sunday, I have received no reply from anyone on the board or the superintendent. My name, phone number, address and email address were all listed on my email. So much for representative government. I was hopeful that the new board members would make changes but, unfortunately, I'm not confident that any of them have the courage to make the right choices for our children. Just seems like more of the same. As an old boss of mine retorted regarding a corporate reorganization, "same monkeys, different trees.” Maybe it’s time to shake the trees.

Ron Frantz
Mission Viejo