Farewell, Milt

Farewell, Milt

Quite a few tributes have already been written about Milt Jacobson, who passed away on Feb. 13 at age 83. Milt’s community effort and volunteer work brought a lot of people together in Mission Viejo. Some might have been on opposite sides if not united by their friendship with Milt.

A dedicated activist, Milt was known for his views on integrity. Politically speaking, Democrats liked him, Republicans respected him, and guilty parties looked uneasy whenever Milt approached the public microphone.

A brief summary of Milt’s activities and achievements can be found on Brad Morton’s blog, http://missionviejodispatch.com. Those who read Milt’s life story might be amazed at his stellar r‚sum‚. Who knew that he worked as an analyst for Space Technologies Laboratory? Milt never bragged, so most people never heard about his performance awards as a federal employee or that he taught labor history and law at Loyola University.

Milt worked tirelessly and never gave up on the ideal of integrity in government. Known as a fearless leader, he was also kind and soft-hearted. It’s been a sad week for all who hoped he might recover after suffering a heart attack.

There’s a big empty space in the heart of the community.