Is Sunrise Serious?

Is Sunrise Serious?
Letter to the editor

Apparently, Sunrise wants to build an assisted-living facility of 300 beds on the Casta del Sol golf course property. Is their P.R. representative Roger Faubel unaware of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Casta del Sol Golf Course? This document was signed by Mission Viejo Company and Haseko (California) Inc. representatives on Sept. 27, 1990.

How can anyone possibly consider building anything on this property when on page 5 of this document it states, “No buildings, structures, residential dwellings or facilities shall be constructed upon the Covered Property … .”? How about on page 22, where it states that the restrictions in the document are to be enforced for a term of sixty (60) years from the date the document was recorded, Sept. 22, 1990? Are all the residents of Mission Viejo and especially the three homeowners associations adjacent to the golf course aware of this document? Shouldn’t everyone in Mission Viejo have access to a copy of this Declaration of Covenants?

This same document states the only change to the 18-hole golf course would be to enlarge the 18-hole course. With the existence of this document, why is the Mission Viejo council even listening to Roger Faubel and Sunrise Senior Living, who want to build on this property and even shorten the 18-hole golf course?

Beverly Cruse
Mission Viejo