We Already Have the Best Leader

We Already Have the Best Leader
by Bo Klein

When Sheriff Mike Carona was dealing with his legal issues in January, he appointed Sheriff Jack Anderson to take charge as the acting sheriff. Anderson was given the responsibility because he was the best person who could immediately take charge under pressure and run OCSD in an efficient and competent manner.

Anderson had already proven his abilities while he was the officer in command of all South County. He was in the hot seat while handling the devastating wildfires in October, organizing and directing the emergency response that saved lives and property through his execution of the disaster plan.

Perhaps when Carona made the decision in January to give the responsibility to Anderson, he thought he would be exonerated by the courts. If that were the case, he would want to return to the department after his absence was handled by the most competent man available to show that our county has an excellent portfolio of well-trained personnel. Acting Sheriff Anderson had already demonstrated his superior abilities and knowledge of operations, and he was further tested during the fires. Jack has continued to lead in an exemplary way ever since he accepted the top responsibility.

Sheriff Anderson also has shown outstanding courage and insight into finding remedies for Carona’s management deficiencies. Jack has suggested removal of highly trained and highly paid OCSD deputies from serving four long years as guards in our jails. Our policemen need to be on the streets preventing crime, not guarding criminals already incarcerated. Assigning such personnel to jails is a huge waste of training and an unnecessary expense to taxpayers. Acting Sheriff Anderson has shown courage in presenting this proposal. He risks a reaction based on police-union perceived fears of layoffs, and such groups oppose his excellent idea. Forcing new deputies to perform guard duty (as took place under Carona's plan) for four long years may actually bias a new officer’s approach in later dealings with law-enforcement issues with the general public. Anderson's proposal was made prior to the recent debacle and beating death of an inmate, and Anderson apparently foresaw such dangers of Carona's system.

Anderson’s plan, which will save a huge amount of money, removes policemen from jails, replacing them with lesser-paid professional jailers. It allows a budget surplus that could be applied partially to the pensions of deputies and could fund a new Justice Center of courts and central police headquarters in South County. It would ensure both the retirement pay of union police members and better service to our communities.

It appears this county has the right and proven man, Jack Anderson, in our top cop spot. The Board of Supervisors should be encouraged by everyone to keep him in that role. Beyond that, voters should decide in the next election if Jack is to continue serving as Orange County Sheriff. I would like to see what other innovative concepts Anderson has to offer, and he should be granted that opportunity.