Make-work Projects Ruin the City

Make-work Projects Ruin the City
Letter to the editor

Two letters to the editor (Evelyn Olson, May 30, and Margo Kutner, June 6) made me wonder if city employees are soliciting letters to compliment themselves. Why else would any resident profusely thank city staffers for throwing away our tax dollars?

Our taxes are not only being wasted, they’re being used to ruin our beautiful city. I don’t know where anyone finds such ugly banners to stick on otherwise attractive light standards. The muddy colors clash with everything God created – blue sky, lush greenery and other natural surroundings. The Great Walls of Crown Valley Parkway are the color of cow dung, and the “tasteful” electronic sign is garish and unreadable.

The city spends a fortune to create make-work projects because it has too many employees. It keeps people busy by installing trash on our streets and mailing out slick magazines as if the city were trying to sell something.

Keep in mind that Rancho Santa Margarita has only 20-some employees while Mission Viejo has more than 140. The beautiful aspects of our city are being obliterated by employees with nothing to do.

Elizabeth Mimm
Mission Viejo