Spin and Be Happy

Reader Response
Spin and Be Happy

Has anyone noticed the latest installation of oversized banners? This time, we are being reminded to READ. Yes, that's right, the city is now spending money on yet another brainwashing campaign. These huge full-color banners are mounted on wooden combination planter-stands and are placed approximately every 12 feet or so from one end of the civic center parking lot to the other. 

The only people who will see the banners are those who work for the city, have some errand at city hall or are already visiting the library. Is the purpose of the expenditure to remind those going to the library that they should READ? Wow! What a brilliant idea! Maybe the 150-plus city employees have so little to do, they spend their time coming up with ways to squander city funds. No wonder the city needs to dip into reserves to fund capital improvement projects.

I guess as long as a money-wasting scheme can be divided into parts costing under $30,000 each, no one needs to know about or approve the expenditure. And, to top it off, once the correct spin is applied to the facts, everyone can feel good about themselves and be happy, happy, happy.

Name withheld by request
Mission Viejo