Residents Unanimously Reject Sunrise

Residents Unanimously Reject Sunrise
Staff editorial

The city contracted with True North Research in 2006 and 2008 to poll residents on “what people think” in Mission Viejo. True North phoned 400 residents and found that a surprisingly high number are practically ecstatic over how well the council is taking care of everything.

Those gathering signatures at storefronts for the Mission Viejo Right-To-Vote Initiative are talking each day with hundreds of residents. Storefront opinions reveal that residents are not ecstatic over the state of the city, and the Casta golf course is just one disturbing issue. Many people don’t like the direction the city is headed, and others merely say there’s room for improvement.

Here’s a rundown of the Top 10 findings at storefronts.

  1. The city should drop the idea of putting housing on the Casta golf course.
  2. Residents don’t feel that the council is representing their views.
  3. The city should stop wasting money on superficial things.
  4. Traffic congestion is getting worse.
  5. The city is built out and homebuilding should end.
  6. People are particularly annoyed by the three-year-long Crown Valley widening, cell towers near homes or in parks, and traffic/parking near schools.
  7. Illegals along Los Alisos give an impression the city is declining.
  8. The problem formerly was an attack from outsiders (e.g., the El Toro airport), and the enemy is now among us – council members selling out to developers.
  9. The city is too focused on money-grabbing instead of preserving quality of life.
  10. The city should cut back on spending instead of dipping into reserves.

As one unanimous opinion among residents, no one supports Sunrise or its vision of housing on the golf course. Some people say they live in gated communities because they don’t like the traffic or the unsavory element creeping in. The invasion of Sunrise now threatens gated communities – Casta del Sol, Finisterra on the Green and Cypress Point. Quite a few people say they’re ready to move elsewhere to find the type of serene, family-oriented community Mission Viejo used to be.

The most pleasant surprise to signature-gatherers was discovering how informed and savvy most Mission Viejo residents are. The residents get it. Because they can follow the money, they know why the council would foist such a bad idea as more housing on the community.

How did True North Research find so many ecstatic people in the same city in which petition-gatherers are hearing a different story? Signature gatherers didn’t use a push-poll, and residents talked about anything they wanted. The fact that so many residents want an initiative to change the decision-making process doesn’t bode well for council members trying to get reelected on what a great job they’re doing.

Residents signing the petition frequently ask which council members support housing on the golf course. Clearly, Ury and Lance MacLean do. With Sunrise posturing to bring its housing proposal to the council after the election, it indicates the developer’s belief a third vote is either leaning their way or lined up.