Are They Worth It?

Are They Worth It?
Letter to the Editor

Is our Mission Viejo council worth any more money? Isn’t doubling their salaries at this difficult financial time rather inappropriate? How many residents of Mission Viejo have just had their salaries doubled? Shouldn’t we be cutting salaries of such an incompetent city council?

Was it wise for the council majority to liquidate the cell tower leases against the advice of some of their own Investment Advisory Commissioners? Does Councilwoman Gail Reavis feel lonely of late as she continues to vote against all the harebrained projects of Mayor Kelley and Councilmen Ury and MacLean? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the citizens of Mission Viejo could have the chance to vote out Ms. Kelley and Mr. MacLean as well as Mr. Ury on Nov. 4? Perhaps we could then dispose of the ugly, expensive float and have no more famous projects like Easegate.

Will the “volunteers” who work on the float cost as much or more than the “volunteers” who built the easels? Isn’t it interesting the mayor is publicizing her new candidate for city council? Her candidate allegedly says the city staff endorses him. Isn’t that TOTALLY illegal? Is Mission Viejo to have members of the city council consist of a man with an arrest record for serious anger management issues (causing immediate loss of his job but still on our council) and another man who is willing to break the law to say he has endorsements? Does this seem like a fitting council for any city, much less Mission Viejo?

Beverly Cruse
Mission Viejo