City Election Update

City Election Update
Editorial staff

The swearing in of new council members will be held after the election. The swearing, however, is a whole other story. Cheryl Atkinson, wife of council candidate Richard Atkinson, swears that people have been swearing at her.

During the Oct. 20 council meeting, Ms. Atkinson made rather odd public comments about her involvement in a campaign fracas. She announced she’d been the victim of cursing when she was at the Oct. 18 Drug Walk, but how it all started was unclear from her remarks.

In her Oct. 20 comments, Ms. Atkinson spoke softly and demurely, saying at one point, “I’m a lady.” As a problem for her account of verbal abuse, witnesses at the event said she accosted at least three people, and no council candidate cussed at her as she claimed. To watch this amusing performance at the meeting, check out [Video clip removed from the City of Mission Viejo website]

Residents are receiving daily slate mailers that include Frank Ury and Richard Atkinson’s names. The two paid for the privilege of being “endorsed” by various mystery groups. When candidates pay for such endorsement, voters can be fooled into thinking that some group is formally supporting them. Another matter of deceit is Ury’s ballot statement, claiming the Crown Valley Pkwy widening project is “finished” when it clearly isn’t. He also says he’ll save the Casta golf course – a statement that defies his position from the dais for the past year. The golf course is still for sale, and if Sunrise doesn’t return, another housing developer could buy it. Ury has consistently indicated he’d vote in favor of rezoning the golf course, and he’s taken a campaign donation from the housing developer’s lobbyist.

Atkinson’s community involvement seems similar to that of Justin McCusker, a two-year resident who ran for city council in 2006 and finished near the bottom. Atkinson says he’s lived in Mission Viejo for nine years … or seven years … or is it five? In Cheryl Atkinson’s Oct. 20 public comments, she said she’s lived here for four years. Should they compare notes?

Storefront polling this week indicates that most of those who have already mailed in their absentee ballots aren’t voting for Ury. The exception is uninformed voters who might be fooled by Ury’s claims about wanting to preserve the Casta del Sol Golf Course. Last week, he mailed a glossy, color brochure touting himself as Mission Viejo’s promise keeper. Residents might try to remember any promise he’s kept – N.O.P.E., can’t think of any.