School Update

School Update

Numbers below represent the latest updates from the Registrar of Voters.


Reform candidates won in all four Trustee Areas. The only incumbent in the race from the Fleming regime, Duane Stiff, was defeated by the greatest margin. Celebrations of victory will be short, as new trustees will immediately face the district’s financial woes. Supt. Woodrow Carter should have cleaned out his desk on the day after the election.

Trustee Area 1
JACK BRICK  53,677 51.5%
ERIN KUTNICK 50,469 48.5%

Trustee Area 2
SUE PALAZZO  60,902 59.0%
ANDREA KOOIMAN 42,271 41.0%

Trustee Area 3
MIKE WINSTEN 67,256 65.8%
DUANE STIFF  34,881 34.2%

Trustee Area 5
KEN MADDOX   55,884 55.9%
GARY V MILLER 44,108 44.1%


With three open seats and only one challenger without much of a campaign, all three incumbents easily won.

SUZIE R. SWARTZ  45,505 31.2%
DON SEDGWICK   43,973 30.2%
GINNY FAY AITKENS 38,902 26.7%

In a low-budget contest, each incumbent spent less than $4,000 to campaign. Quisenberry spent nothing. Because of the state’s financial crisis, SVUSD faces similar budget issues as CUSD, which was already operating in the red.nd)