Is CUSD Turning the Corner?

Is CUSD Turning the Corner?
Letter to the Editor

With the Nov. 4 election, reform-minded parents completed their goal of removing all seven Fleming-era trustees. Not everyone at the Dec. 8 board meeting was happy with the outcome, as a segment of the audience had supported those who still had attachments to the old regime.

As a big difference from the past, the trustees on Dec. 8 engaged in debate of ideas and challenged each other in a productive way. They questioned the administrative staff. When answers didn’t emerge, agenda items were tabled instead of making decisions based on incomplete information. One trustee asked about the staff’s process of putting issues on the agenda – a very good question, as the trustees should set the agenda.

Voters on Nov. 4 overwhelmingly supported change, and the process has begun. School board candidates who didn’t win are right to remind those elected to keep their promises. I hope those with doubts about the new board will reserve judgment while waiting to see if these trustees will improve the process of education and represent their constituents. It was gratifying to hear nearly all of the public speakers say on Dec. 8 they want to get beyond turmoil and address the problems.

For five years, a handful of parents have practically dedicated their lives to reforming CUSD. Four of them spoke on Dec. 8 during public comments – Jennifer and Tony Beall and Michelle and Tom Russell. They are an inspiration for anyone who is willing to work hard to change a dismal situation.

Connie Lee
Mission Viejo