What Does `Arrest' Mean?

What Does ‘Arrest’ Mean?
Letter to the Editor

Councilman Lance MacLean claims he was not arrested at UCI. He argues he wasn’t fingerprinted, as if that somehow defines being arrested. Does the seriousness of his offense change if he says he was only detained while in handcuffs after it took four UCI policemen to get him under control?

While MacLean now argues about being arrested, he had to appear in court before a judge to testify to his misdeed. The judge assigned him to an anger management class that he had to attend.

The unfortunate victim of Mr. MacLean’s uncontrolled rage was a smaller man and also an employee of UCI. Doesn’t it seem drastic when it took four policemen to get Mr. MacLean’s hands off the smaller man’s neck? Is it any wonder that Mr. MacLean is no longer employed at UCI?

Is this the type of person who should serve on the Mission Viejo City Council? A former councilwoman thought his behavior was so threatening that she was afraid to participate in the council’s closed session meetings.

Who does this councilman represent? Not me!

Beverly Cruse
Mission Viejo