Good for Laughs, but Look Fast

Good for Laughs, but Look Fast

An alert resident followed the link in an article promoting the nearly defunct Mission Viejo Community Foundation. OC Metro magazine evidently received a press release from city hall, spinning news of funds being wasted on Oso Creek Trail. The April 10 article states that $285,100 of the $324,000 designated for signage and kiosks along the trail will come from the federal government, and city taxpayers will pay the balance. Follow the link at the bottom of this article to open the OC Metro document. Then go to the next page and click on the highlighted words: Mission Viejo Community Foundation.

Incredibly, the link opens a page of this blog – a letter to the editor dated Dec. 17, 2005. From the foundation’s inception, residents asked for accountability. Letter writer James Woodin closed his letter with “Let us - the taxpayers - expect that a complete financial disclosure will be made in a timely manner in order to assess the need for the second grant by the city.”

In round figures, the city gave the foundation $200,000 as startup money in 2005. Following Woodin’s plea for assessment, the council threw in another $200,000 for the second year. The foundation not only failed to reach its goal of raising $1 million toward completion of the community center, it spent itself into oblivion by overpaying a director. Instead of full disclosure, the foundation’s chair insisted on operating out of public view as a private entity separate from the city. Furthermore, the chairman said the foundation wouldn’t tolerate criticism, and he threatened to throw in the towel if anyone complained. As the foundation failed, city administrators stepped in, breaching the wall between the city and the 501(c)(3) organization.

Here’s the link – look fast before the city discovers the error.

Just for the record, this blog long ago recommended shutting down the foundation.