Mission Viejo Buzz - 05/09/09

The Buzz

With the MacLean recall gaining support, residents signing the petition are asking about replacement candidates. Contrary to MacLean’s comments, no candidates have emerged, and no candidate is being promoted by those gathering signatures. The election will be open to anyone who wants to file. The recall would be a special election, and the Orange County Registrar of Voters is moving toward all-mail ballots to cut down on costs.


An article on another blog, MissionViejoDispatch.com, reveals the city’s aging infrastructure. Read the story at http://missionviejodispatch.com/2009/05/08/mission-viejo-roads-worse-than-detroit/ Residents might be wondering how the city can keep a balance of $28 million in so-called discretionary reserves, maintain infrastructure and continue blowing millions on cost overruns and feel-good projects. It can’t. The infrastructure is being neglected, and the city engages in a shell game when talking about reserves. Nearly all of the city’s $28 million “reserve” account is encumbered, obligated or already spent. Less than half a million is available for discretionary spending, and that’s not much for a city in which officials spend more than $1 million a week.


A blog reader noted an item in the May 7 Wall Street Journal. She emailed, “Mission Viejo’s city administrators aren’t alone in being hoodwinked by a rebranding company. Providence, R.I., officials paid $100,000 for a bright orange P as their city’s logo. After seeing Mission Viejo’s city staff pay $30,000 for the mark of the iron tree, I thought they were uniquely stupid. Providence just jumped ahead of Mission Viejo, paying a premium for a letter of the alphabet.” A former mayor of Providence was quoted in the article, saying his city had been suckered into a wasteful campaign. Mission Viejo staff members are now wearing taxpayer-provided golf shirts emblazoned with iron trees: at least residents can see them coming.


Last week, a Capo High School teacher was found guilty of violating First Amendment rights by referring to Creationism as “religious, superstitious nonsense.” The teacher said in an interview with the OC Register the lawsuit wouldn’t affect his teaching style. Private school administrators continue to report that their enrollments are climbing, even during a recession.


Saddleback Valley News has lately followed city hall’s lead by reporting only positive news about Mission Viejo. Each new business receives an advertisement written as a news story. However, no mention is made of dozens of businesses closing their doors.


Save the date: Casta Republican Club is hosting Sir Eldon Griffiths as guest speaker for its joint meeting with Saddleback Republican Assembly on Wed., May 20, beginning at 7 p.m. in the Vista Room. Those who reside outside the gated community of Casta del Sol should call (949) 581-3155 to add their name to the guest list or get additional information.