CUSD Update

CUSD Update

The Capo USD board of trustees will meet on Mon., Aug. 10, 7:00 p.m. Board meetings are held at the administration center, 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano.

Jonathan Volzke of the Capistrano Dispatch summarized one of the items of interest from the agenda: “The board will consider contracting with a demographic consultant to look at enrollment trends and housing as well as trustee boundaries. This came up as parents asked trustees to endorse a plan to elect leaders by district rather than at large. Trustees, some of whom supported the idea while seeking election, said trustee boundaries should be considered before taking that step. There's no estimate of what the consultant contract will cost in the staff report. (Page 105 of the agenda).”

The board will also consider moving CUSD board meetings to Tuesdays. A member of the administrative staff is getting an advanced degree, and she has a class that meets on Mondays. Public reaction to the potential change is that one person’s conflict with personal schedules isn’t adequate reason to make the change.

The agenda also includes an item whereby the board could approve consultant contracts to allow the district to fill key administrative spots with consultants, at $500 to $650 per day, just to get schools open on time. (Page 325.)

Volzke’s complete post and reader comments can be found at