TEA Partiers Rally in San Juan Capistrano

TEA Partiers Rally in San Juan Capistrano

Patriots attending the Sept. 12 TEA Party in San Juan Capistrano filled Cook-La Novia Park. Some estimated the event drew a crowd of at least 1,000. Canopies lined two sides of the sports fields where the rally convened. Several political candidates and numerous organizations set up tables and distributed literature. Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, who represents the 70th State Assembly District and is a candidate for the U.S. Senate, was among the speakers.

View a slideshow at http://www.meetup.com/OC-The912Project/it/calendar/10859961/
 by scrolling down to photos provided by Shawn Lynch.

Mission Viejo residents who attended said the rally was a spirited protest as well as an opportunity to voice opinions against big government and nationalized healthcare. Attendees signed letters of protest to elected officials and carried signs opposing more taxes, bailouts and government takeovers.

During the rally, one of the organizers announced that 60,000 people were concurrently attending the TEA Party in Washington, D.C. The Drudge Report posted an article on Saturday with pictures, stating the size of the crowd had taken government officials by surprise: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/13/us/politics/13protestweb.html

Mission Viejo’s organizers of several TEA Parties throughout the spring and summer opted to attend the San Juan Capistrano event rather than having one of their own. Saddleback Republican Assembly members will support a Mission Viejo town hall meeting on Sun., Sept. 27, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Congressman Gary Miller will moderate the event hosted by the Casta del Sol Republican Club at Casta’s Rec Center 1. Those residing outside the Casta gates may call Beverly Cruse, (949) 770-3368, to get on the guest list.