Recall Update

Recall Update

Candidates must complete the filing process by Nov. 19 if they want to replace Councilman Lance MacLean in the Feb. 2 recall election. As of Nov. 13, three potential candidates had taken the first step by “pulling papers” at city hall.

The first person to pull papers was Dale Tyler, a longtime resident who has participated in the city’s political process. A well-known advocate for small government, he is also the proprietor of a Website developed by volunteers,, to promote the community. Tyler created the Mission Viejo Right-To-Vote Initiative, which qualified for the June 2010 ballot. When enacted into law, it will give voters the final say on major zone changes, protecting such properties as the Casta del Sol Golf Course from housing development.

Jeff Weekly was the second potential candidate to emerge. He appears to be a newcomer to city politics. A reporter attempted to interview him for an article on another blog, but Weekly hasn’t returned his calls.

On Nov. 5, Dave Leckness pulled papers. He served one term on the Planning Commission, and he is known around town for emceeing community events. Leckness also served as a director on the Mission Viejo Community Foundation, which seems to have dissolved despite injections of tax dollars to keep it afloat.

Leckness agreed to an interview with blog reporter Larry Gilbert, which can be read at

In the interview, Leckness said his key objective is to promote small business growth because businesses are losing customers. He couldn’t point to anything the city could do to promote small business. Leckness said he didn’t sign or support the recall signature drive. He wasn’t familiar with current city issues (dog park, expansion of the tennis center or Dale Tyler’s Right-To-Vote Initiative). He said would promote a program, “Wave at a Cop,” to show appreciation, and he thought Mission Viejo is too sports-oriented. He would favor more emphasis on art.

The blog interview drew 39 comments, with most indicating Leckness lacks knowledge of city government and current issues.