City Officials Miss the Problem

City Officials Miss the Problem
Letter to the Editor

I am writing with regard to the business license idea [business registration proposed by Councilman Lance MacLean during the Nov. 16 council meeting]. You would think that city officials would be more interested in involving themselves in stopping illegal businesses in Mission Viejo. My complaint is the so-called Boot Camps that set up in parks. This was especially apparent in Flo Jo Park all summer. In particular, it occurred from approximately 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. The hours may have changed with the end of Daylight Saving Time. I can’t remember if it was Redondo Beach or Hermosa Beach, but one of the beach cities had news coverage regarding these illegal business activities.

The good citizens of MV set up their business, file any licenses for their facilities that the state requires, pay for business insurance, pay our state sales taxes to the franchise tax board, etc. These Boot Camps, as far as I can see, set up in the park without paying for a permit, have no business insurance, leave the city at liability for anything that may happen and most likely do not have reseller permits through the state to collect and pay on sales tax. Don’t pick on the people who are hard-working and set up their businesses correctly.

Every time I would see these camps on my daily walk, I would just calmly steam from the inside out. I can say the same for the ice cream trucks. The first and only time I was ever propositioned for drug (it was pot) sales was when I was 12 years old and riding my bike. This occurred in a suburb outside Chicago, no different than the city of MV. The ice cream man asked if I was a hippie chick or a straight chick. I told him I didn’t understand. He said if I was a hippie chick he would sell me some pot. I was too young to know what was occurring. The ice cream man was the drug dealer in the neighborhood. I never told my parents or an adult.

I never, never, allowed my kids to approach an ice cream truck without parental supervision when they were young. My kids knew how insistent I was about this. No kidding, I was just intolerant of the kids going up to the ice cream truck alone. How ‘bout those ice cream trucks and their lack of insurance, reseller’s tax permits, other illegal sales (drugs), etc.? The ice cream truck just parks in Flo Jo and peruses the neighborhood streets.

Concerned Mom
(Name withheld by request)
Mission Viejo