Big Brother of Over-watering

Big Brother of Over-watering

Any homeowner with a lawn sprinkler system could be subject to fines if irrigation water is running off their property. On Dec. 16, the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board added strict runoff regulations, and Mission Viejo is within their jurisdiction. The city has 30 days to appeal the decision.

Brad Morton’s Dispatch, , provides a photo showing an example of minimal runoff, which will be subject to fines with the new regulation.

According to the regional water control district, the city will be responsible for issuing violations to homeowners. The Mission Viejo City Council has until Jan. 15 to appeal the new rules.

With new restrictions in place, Mission Viejo residents could be served with notice for slight over-watering. But what about water use on medians and other public property? The most likely place to get a “car wash” is while driving down a thoroughfare when the sprinklers are going. If water conservation is the objective, what about the excessive planting along Crown Valley Porkway, including the addition of 400 trees?

Several weeks ago, a Buzz reader commented, “Those who are guessing the cost of the Crown Valley Parkway project have left out an important item. While all those palm trees cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to purchase and plant, no one has talked about the maintenance contract that goes on forever. What is the cost for all that? When I drove down Crown Valley last week, I was surprised to see thousands of new plantings, and in a severe drought."