Craig Alexander's Voter Recommendations

Craig Alexander’s Voter Recommendations

On Jan. 2, a well-known advocate for better government released his recommendations for Mission Viejo’s Special Election. Craig Alexander is recommending that voters support the recall of Councilman Lance MacLean and vote for replacement candidate Dale Tyler. The election will be held Feb. 2.

Alexander wrote, “Mission Viejo residents will soon be receiving absentee ballots for the Recall Election regarding Mission Viejo City Councilman Lance MacLean. As I have some knowledge of this race, I am going to offer my opinion to you about whether to vote yes or no on the recall of Mr. MacLean and which person you should vote for to replace him.”

When MacLean first won a seat on the council in 2002, many residents supported his council candidacy on the basis of his campaign promises. Alexander states, “Unfortunately, Mr. MacLean (who I endorsed and gave money to) betrayed the campaign promises he made and has turned his back on those that supported him in that first election.”

Alexander also cites MacLean’s bestowing lifetime medical benefits on council members for three terms of part-time service. As another example of self-enrichment, MacLean voted to double his own council salary. As for personal character, MacLean was charged with assault and battery on a co-worker at UCI, and he lost his job. 

“Of the two people on the ballot to replace Mr. MacLean, I recommend you vote for Dale Tyler,” Alexander said. Alexander acknowledged Tyler’s support of family values and his longtime involvement for the betterment of city government.