Voters United

Farewell to MacLean on Feb. 2
Letter to the Editor

This letter is a reminder for those still thinking about how they should vote in the Feb. 2 recall election of Councilman Lance MacLean. In recent weeks, there has been much information circulated by MacLean and his supporters. They state that a small group of citizens are running this recall based strictly on getting MacLean out of office for no good reason other than they don’t like him. Friends, there is good reason Voters United don’t like him, and some of those points are addressed in this communication.

RECALL COST: MacLean’s backers say it is a big waste to spend money on a needless recall. Yes, $270,000 is a lot of money. However, when you compare that with the millions of dollars needlessly spent during MacLean’s time on the city council, you begin to understand his true self. He has spent countless dollars in trying to convince the public how wonderful he is. The campaign against the recall has spent much money on television ads that cost a fortune. And how are the ads funded? Well, you might notice that much of the advertising is funded by various entities such as a deputies union and Firemen who may have been led to believe by MacLean that if he gets recalled their organizations will have funding reductions. No way would that happen. Those favoring the recall are only trying to stop unnecessary spending. The groups wanting city funding for their special wants are definitely worried. So they are trying to keep him in office.

Have you noticed that MacLean has been trying to justify his position at the regular City Council meetings for free? That, friends, should not be tolerated. Our public business meetings are where the elected members work on our city’s problems, and time is not available for justifying one’s worth to the constituents.


ANGER PROBLEMS: MacLean’s anger problems! That’s enough to make this recall necessary. At the January 18, 2010, city council meeting, a gentleman gave a presentation during the Public Comments segment regarding the details of MacLean’s aggressiveness. What MacLean did and said to a fellow employee at UCI was shocking and unconscionable. Somehow he managed to stay out of jail. How we citizens of Mission Viejo would allow a person with MacLean’s disposition be an elected official representing us is equally unconscionable.


QUALITY OF LIFE: MacLean brags in his voting write-ups as mandatory for quality of life the following: recreation center renovations; park renovations; Murray Center expansion; animal shelter expansion; Tennis center renovation; building a dog park. A few of these are completed, but the rest are unnecessary and requiring city money. In reality, quality of life is concerned with good health, which gives you the ability to do the things you need to do. Having the city provide unnecessary material items in response to some citizens’ desire for bigger and better things does not improve one’s quality of life. It only makes those citizens ask for more as long as the city is the enabler who pays for it. MacLean uses these enabled projects as a reason he should stay in office. We have an outstanding quality of life in Mission Viejo that makes it unjustifiable to add the additional wants with city money. These materialistic items of life can be financed in other ways if the want is serious enough. And guess what! When those new projects are completed, they have to be maintained indefinitely. And who pays for that? That means our quality of life will decline piece by piece as we build needless projects with taxpayers’ money.


We can maintain our Public Safety and Fiscal Responsibility without Lance MacLean. With his idea of Trusted Leadership, we in the long run will be in the condition of the State of California's economic situation. Spending city money to satisfy the enabled groups can only degrade the future of our city.


We have many citizens who are beginning to notice the direction in which Lance MacLean is leading us, and that is not what we want. Those citizens have noted that we cannot risk continuing our wants for the benefit of a few if we need to maintain our quality of life.

Thank you for supporting our future,
Voters United