CUSD Update

CUSD Update

Email from a CUSD parent: “The district has posted a new fact sheet [dated Feb. 19] regarding labor negotiations. Unlike CUEA (the teachers union) the district, as a public agency, may only post FACTS. CUEA may post any propaganda it chooses to inflame the membership and any other parties, including community members, to gain sympathy for the union’s side in the negotiation process. Keep in mind that the role of CUEA is to negotiate the best possible salary and benefit package for its members (teachers). CUEA’s mission does NOT include advocating for students.”

As examples of factual information, CUSD teachers are among the highest paid (not the lowest as claimed) teachers in Orange County. Teacher salaries have not been cut, while administrators have taken 10 percent pay cuts. A “rumor” being circulated states that CUSD teachers have been resigning at a very high rate. To the contrary, the turnover last year was 5 percent, the lowest it has been in the past three years.

Anyone wanting to follow the negotiation process or other topics can access the district’s Web site, To read the Feb. 19 fact sheet, (click here).

The group launching the effort to recall Trustees Ken Lopez-Maddox and Mike Winsten began again, after the first attempt met legal challenges. Of proponents in the second try, all but two reside in San Clemente. SJC resident Kevin Murphy was listed as a proponent in the first version but not in the second. Murphy was instrumental in the 2005 recall attempt of all seven Fleming-era trustees.

Capo constituents who are following the recall discovered that six of the 10 current proponents are either union members, married to union members or in some way associated with the union. CUEA has denied it is backing the recall.