The Buzz column, Feb. 28
Ooops! Supporters of the effort to recall two Capo school district trustees say the union isn’t in back of the recall. When organizers of the recall held a training session on gathering signatures, who sent out the invitation to the event? Copies of the email intended for union members were forwarded to others who noticed the sender was CUEA – the teachers’ union.
Residents recently received City Hall’s mailer, “City of Mission Viejo Annual Report 2009.” A Buzz reader says that residents should have a choice about receiving such high-priced, taxpayer-funded materials. Instead of getting something like that in the mail, can residents get a check from the city for the cost of the mailer? The annual report was obviously expensive to produce, and how many people put it directly into the recycle bin?
For those who might have read the annual report, did anyone find a mention of the city’s $60 million debt? As another matter, the inside back cover states that the city ended the fiscal year with “$30.1 million in discretionary reserves.” What does “discretionary” mean to the occupants of city hall? To the rest of the world, it means money that isn’t already spent, obligated or encumbered. Only in government can the same money be spent more than once.
South Orange County 912 is hosting a general meeting on Thurs., March 11, at 7 p.m. RSVP on SOC912 Facebook or on the website noted below. For those who are not members of SOC912, first join at, and then search for SOC912 (South Orange County 912). Join and RSVP to find out about more meetings and events. The March 11 meeting will be held in the CUSD office, 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano. Guest speakers will be Lee McGroarty and Chris Riggs.
The Mission Viejo Chapter of ACT for America will hold its general meeting on Mon., March 8. The group will meet at the Norm Murray Community Center, meeting room Sycamore-B. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The meeting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m. Film producer Cyrus Nowrasteh will speak for approximately 45 minutes, followed by Q&A.