Get Ready To Vote

Get Ready To Vote

On March 1, proponents of the Mission Viejo Right-To-Vote Initiative submitted the ballot argument in favor of the initiative. The signature drive ran from August 2008 to January 2009, qualifying for the next General Election, June 8, 2010. The Right-To-Vote Initiative does not yet have a “letter,” and it is referred to as “Measure X” below.

Argument In Favor Of Measure X

Do you want to preserve Mission Viejo as a great place to raise a family and a safe place to live? Measure X will preserve our special way of life.

Elected officials at all levels of government have failed us! In Mission Viejo, “campaign donations” from special interests have caused council members to forget who they work for. A developer can get a zone change – against the will of residents – by lining up three council votes. Voters need a safeguard, and Measure X will stop this sellout.

Measure X will return power to the people, giving voters the final word on rezoning and other Major land-use changes. This includes such life-changing rezoning as commercial (sales tax-generating) to high-density housing or Open Space to any other use. It doesn’t include little things like a home remodel or addition.

Mission Viejo as a Master Planned community has a specific use for every parcel and balance between such elements as housing, open space and business. Over the years, various city councils subverted the Master Plan by approving more and more high-density housing, at the expense of the surrounding neighborhoods and over the futile protests of neighbors.

Measure X empowers voters to overrule bad council decisions, such as allowing apartments on top of stores or converting a golf course to assisted living. Projects will still go through existing review processes of the Planning Commission and council to ensure that all standards are met. After the council approves a project, we the people will decide if we want the proposed project.

Yorba Linda’s citizens passed a law nearly identical to Measure X, and it’s working well.

Take back control of Major land-use changes and stop bad council decisions by voting yes on Measure X.

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