SRA Hosts Moorlach on Thursday

SRA Hosts Moorlach on Thursday

Saddleback Republican Assembly will have its regular meeting on Thurs., Mar. 18, at 7:00 p.m. The group will meet at Atria Del Sol, 23792 Marguerite Parkway, in Mission Viejo in the first-floor dining room.

The featured speaker for the evening will be Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach. He will discuss various political topics.

Moorlach joined the OC Board of Supervisors and the OC Transportation Authority Board of Directors in December 2006. His prior experience included serving as the OC Treasurer-Tax Collector for nearly 12 years. He graduated from CSU Long Beach in 1977 and passed the CPA exam in 1978.

Those attending the meeting can find extra parking on the south side of Casta Drive in the parking lot of the swim facility. Everyone is invited to arrive early, get a good parking place and enjoy refreshments. Admission is free and visitors are welcome. Call SRA President Matt Corrigan or Kathy Corrigan for more information, (949) 830-8088.