Streets Require Immediate Attention

Streets Require Immediate Attention

Residents continue to compile lists of streets that are in fair to poor condition. In some cases, entire streets need resurfacing. Some homeowners are questioning how often streets are slurried. For example, family members who have lived at the same Mission Viejo address for nearly 25 years say their street has been slurried only twice during that time. The city staff says streets are on a seven-year cycle.

Streets in poorest condition are getting “Band-Aid” treatments with patches on the worst areas. Homeowners report that contractors are fixing potholes without repairing the crumbling asphalt nearby that will soon turn into a pothole.

More than 100 streets have been identified by community watchdogs and other residents as needing immediate attention. Some of these streets are not scheduled for resurfacing for at least two years. Band-Aid repairs are temporary, and the cost of reconstructing streets in poor condition far outstrips the cost of regular maintenance.

Here are the newest additions to the list, with brief descriptions of the damage. These streets represent a neighborhood north of La Paz and south of Jeronimo near Olympiad.

Amargon and Aguirre – extensive cracking at intersection; wide and deep cracks. Aguirre has horizontal cracks in front of each house that run across the entire width of the street.

Ardisa – extensive cracking; cracks in cul-de-sac reopened after being coated with tar.

Boda – many cracks, and the cul-de-sac has weeds growing out of cracks.

Botorrita and Diamonte – sunken areas at intersection, extensive cracks the entire length of both streets; potholes. Tar applied on cracks in cul-de-sac; cracks have reopened.

Cascabel and Ramona – intersection has been patched, and new cracks have opened up.

Chapulin – a longitudinal crack runs the entire length of the street. Horizontal cracks run the entire width of the street at intervals of every 20 feet in some sections.

Escatron and Muela – extensive cracks, which continue the entire length of both streets.

Josephina – a portion of street was recently resurfaced; remainder is extensively cracked.

Lanuza and Tabuenco – significant deterioration at intersection; wide cracks with weeds. Cracks that were covered with tar have reopened and are now wider and deeper. Damage continues along Tabuenca with potholes, extensive cracks and sunken areas of pavement.

Leticia and Graciela – extensive cracking at the intersection; damage continues along Leticia, all cracked up with some sunken areas. Large portions have a mosaic pattern.

Pavion – extensive cracking, nearly the entire length of the street.

Pavion and Botorrita – intersection has extensive cracks with weeds.

Pavion at Casanal – intersection has crumbling asphalt, and damage continues along Casanal. Patch down the middle, pavement failure at edges. Casanal is in poor condition.

Pavion at Caspe – intersection has potholes and extensive cracking.

Pavion and Daroca – intersection has potholes and pavement failure. Daroca looks like slurry was applied over cracks without repairing damage. Questionable quality of work.

Pavion and La Noche – intersection has potholes, wide cracks.

Pavion and Lorente – intersection has extensive cracking.

Pavion and Ronea – intersection has extensive cracking.

Ramona and Estima – pothole in intersection, extensive cracking along Estima.

Ramona and Fleches – extensive cracking at intersection, damage continues along Fleches with a sunken area of pavement; asphalt is worn away in some areas.

Ramona and Gitano – extensive cracking at intersection; crack runs entire length of street. The entire street has a mosaic pattern of cracks; asphalt is failing at curbs.

Sadaba and Graciela – extensive cracking at intersection; mosaic pattern of cracking along Sadaba with areas of wide and deep cracks and potholes.

Silleros at Alazan – extensive cracking at intersection. Alazan is deteriorating to gravel in some spots, and the entire length of the street is cracked.

Silleros and Cascabel – intersection has serious damage, which continues the entire length of both streets. Cascabel is deteriorating with many horizontal cracks.

Tabuenca and Fonda – deep and wide cracks with weeds. Missing portions of asphalt.

Tabuenca and Escatron – extensive cracks and pavement failure.

Tarazona and Lanuza – deterioration at intersection, with extensive wide cracks continuing along Lanuza. Weeds are growing in the cracks.

Tarazona and Silleros – intersection has been patched; wide cracks remain.

Zurita – deep and wide cracks with weeds. Cracks are reappearing through tar “repairs.”