Project Grows Beyond Need

Project Grows Beyond Need
Letter to the Editor

Are Mission Viejo residents aware of the city’s tennis center project at Marguerite Parkway and Casta Drive? Those who live near the tennis center should be the first to ask if the project has grown beyond what is reasonable and responsible.

The tennis center serves 100-plus Mission Viejo members who pay to use this city-owned facility. Members asked for one additional tennis court, which was not an unreasonable request. However, the council majority and city staff turned it into a $4-million project: basketball courts near the creek, razing and reconstructing the building, adding parking lots, etc.

Plans include hauling in 4,000 truckloads of dirt to fill a ravine that’s part of the Or. Co. Flood Control System. The basketball courts are being built on private property owned by American Golf, in violation of CC&Rs limiting the property to golf use for 60 years. Why all this for one tennis court?

The council majority members already approved the $4 million cost, and they tried to avoid an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The scope of the project alone calls for an EIR, particularly 4,000 truckloads of dirt impacting a flood control system.

Blog readers, please email the council (one email to reach all five) at and ask for an EIR as due diligence to evaluate if this is a responsible plan.

Elizabeth Mimm
Mission Viejo