Mission Viejo Buzz - 05/29/10

The Buzz

Opponents of Measure D are spreading misinformation to confuse voters. Among those making false statements is Joyce Saltzgiver, a Casta del Sol resident. Saltzgiver claimed in a robocall to residents, as well as in anti-D flyers, that she got 1,200 signatures on the Right To Vote petition. In fact, she got none. Volunteers who gathered and verified signatures say that Saltzgiver seems confused. She circulated an informal petition among Casta residents who opposed homebuilding on the Casta golf course. Saltzgiver first opposed housing on the golf course and then said it would be OK with her after she met privately with the developer. She indicated she represented the Casta HOA in both of her conflicting opinions, first opposing and then approving the housing project. Some Casta homeowners say Saltzgiver has never had the authority to approve homebuilding on the golf course.


Cox Cable taped a segment on Measure D, with Brad Morton representing “Yes on D” and Geoffrey Willis and Joyce Saltzgiver presenting the “No on D” argument. A Mission Viejo resident who saw the segment when it aired last week said, “Willis identified himself as a land-use attorney, which should send up a red flag to voters. I thought he shot himself in the foot when he said SVUSD [Saddleback Valley school district] opposed the measure because it would make it difficult to sell school property for high-density housing.”


A parent responded to the risk of SVUSD selling school sites, which could be turned into high-density housing. From the Orange Juice Blog on May 29, O’Neill School Parent posted, “When we tried to keep O’Neill open as our neighborhood school, the school board wouldn’t listen. Then, we proposed a charter school, and all our pleas fell on deaf ears. Now we know why. The “no” on D people have admitted the school district wants to sell the campus and convert the property to high-density housing!”


Voters who are receiving brochures from the “No on D” campaign should note that the return address is a real estate organization. Others involved in trying to defeat the measure include Roger Faubel, who was the PR agent for Sunrise in the proposal to build housing on the Casta golf course. Faubel donated to the campaign treasuries of three council members before Sunrise hit financial skids. Council members taking the cash were Frank Ury, Trish Kelley and ex-councilman Lance MacLean, who was recalled.


Residents are reporting that “YES on D” campaign signs have been taken down or destroyed. Four entities are taking down the signs: 1) city employees, 2) city contractors, 3) homeowner association landscapers and 4) opponents of Measure D. While it is either legal or acceptable to have the first three groups remove signs from city right-of-ways or HOA property, opponents are illegally removing or tampering with signs. In one instance, a gray-haired man was seen pulling up a “YES” sign and throwing it aside. In another case, a man and a woman were walking together, and the man pulled up the sign and placed it behind bushes. In a third instance, a sign was pulled up near El Pollo Loco (La Paz and Marguerite) and thrown into the street. Anyone witnessing such crimes should call the police.


Show your colors by flying the American flag on Memorial Day, Mon., May 31. Tea Partiers and other patriots are also reminding everyone to “show your true colors” on Flag Day. A Tea Partier sent an email: “We would like to engage as many tea partiers, their families and any and all other Americans this Flag Day, Mon., June 14, to wear Old Glory and decorate their homes, cars, etc., with Red, White and Blue.”