Financial Mismanagement Continues Letter to the editor
So just who does own Turf Park? The signs indicate the City of Mission Viejo is the owner. The pictures below were taken on 8/18/2010 at Turf Park.
A local "twit" told me the sign was fiction: "YOU know--just like Trish Kelley's ballot statement!"
According to my research, the County of Orange is registered as the landowner.
I would highly suggest you watch the archived city council meeting from August 16, 2010, concerning Turf Park in Mission Viejo. For background, see the Mission Viejo Dispatch,
At the end of the council meeting, Councilwoman Cathy Schlicht brought up the issue of Turf Park and its costs.
Councilwoman Schlicht forced City Manager Dennis Wilberg to admit that there will be huge cost and schedule overruns on this project. As of the above-noted meeting, Wilberg indicates that there will be another $30,000 spent on top of the city’s settlement of $40,000 – this would mean a 75-percent overrun on costs. Effectively, this project has been totally mismanaged by the city’s administration. Not only was this park rework project poorly planned, but the work was given to some of the city’s favorite contractors--on a cost-plus basis.
This is just another example of our city administration not financially managing a project – just like the Lake Promenade, the Murray Center expansion, the Olympic Start Finish Line, the two recreation center remodels, and so on. Soon to be added to this list will be the Tennis Center rejuvenation.
These overruns also potentially mean that desperately needed infrastructure repairs in your neighborhood will not be done – due to a lack of funds!! Example – the slopes along Alicia from Marguerite to the I-5 freeway entrance.
Joe Holtzman Mission Viejo