D.A. Rejects Sandzimier's Claim

D.A. Rejects Sandzimier’s Claim

On Oct. 22, an article appeared on a county blog, following up on a clash over campaign signs. A Mission Viejo council candidate said a driver hit him with an SUV. The incident occurred on Oct. 8 when Joe Holtzman confronted Richard Sandzimier over Sandzimier’s signs. Holtzman said his vehicle was parked, and Sandzimier claimed the SUV lunged forward, striking him.

Read the article at http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2010/10/holtzman-cleared-by-d-a-plans-to-take-legal-action-against-those-who-libeled-him

From the article, “Holtzman was told by the investigator that the Orange County District Attorney is rejecting Sandzimier’s allegations and the case has no merit.”

Holtzman said, “I will go full bore after all those who libeled and slandered me.”  Named in the post were Dan Avery, Trish Kelley, Sharon Cody and Susan Sellers. All of them have libeled Holtzman repeatedly on local blogs.

OrangeJuiceBlog.com allows readers to post comments. On Oct. 23, one of those posting appears to be City Manager Dennis Wilberg, who goes off topic and comments about the Drug Walk and the Preparedness Expo. If it was written by Wilberg, it is typical of this going off topic. For example, shouldn’t he be taking care of business instead of acting as city hall’s chief political operative and commenting on blogs?